Happy Birth Day to Marley

Today is a red letter day for me. We are welcoming little Marley, who was born this morning. She is our fifth grandchild and the third girl. It’s not just every day that a new grandchild arrives, and each time it happens is a very special day.

It’s way too soon to write a story about Marley’s birth, but later I will. I did write the story of the arrival of our first grandchild, who is now almost a teenager, but I’ve fallen down on the job with the other two “older” ones. This is my wakeup call that I need to get to that, and soon. I read Keith his story a couple of years ago, and he was delighted.

My stories about births include much more than the usual vital statistics. I write a description of our anticipation, my delight when we heard they were safely “out here,” and my joy when I first saw and held them. I might include a few details about the wonder of seeing that Stephanie’s fingernails were shaped like mine, and such things. This is a very personal story, a sort of love letter from me to them.

Now, I need to get busy and write the full story of Stephanie’s fingernails, and about Tosh, Marley’s older brother. Sarah’s story can wait, at least until she master’s English. She communicates with passionate intensity, but at this point we still need a translator.

Birth stories don’t need to be limited to grandchildren. I wrote one for our daughter, and for my brother. That leaves a few more to go.

What about you? Have you written any birth stories?

Write on,

Sharon Lippincott, aka Ritergal

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